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Why Choose ATS Helicopter Rotor Grip Inspections?

Applied Technical Services has many years of experience with helicopter rotor grip inspections. Our experts look for cracks that may be caused by manufacturing processes, fatigue, stress and/or corrosion. We inspect rotor grips in the field or in our state-of-the-art lab. Our customer base includes the military, private aircraft owners, small companies, and medical evacuation companies.

Rotor grip inspections are extremely crucial in ensuring safe operation of helicopters. Failure of the grip can lead to separation of the main rotor blade and the pilot can loose control of the helicopter. Therefore, repetitive inspections are required to be conducted after defined flight intervals. Grip surfaces are inspected for corrosion damage or fatigue cracking using ultrasonic, penetrant or eddy current techniques.

Besides the regularly scheduled inspections, FAA can issue airworthiness directives (ADs) based on discoveries made on specific aircraft. ADs are issued by the FAA in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) to correct an unsafe condition in an aircraft that requires immediate action.

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