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PMI testing (Positive Material Identification) is a verification process of accurately identifying metals by determining their chemical composition.

Depending on the situation, various analytical instrumentation and testing method maybe used to accurately determine metal composition. For quick alloy identification of materials our handheld XRF unit is used. In other situations, especially when assessing composition of lighter elements, the OES or ICP units are used to evaluate samples. Often times, for a comprehensive material property identification, other characteristics of the metals are evaluated, which include tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, hardness, etc. Our team of chemists, metallurgists and engineers work together to ensure all your testing needs are met in a timely manner. From the aerospace to the nuclear industry, ATS has assisted a wide array of clients with their PMI needs.

Common Material Types for PMI Testing Include:

  • Alloy Steels
  • Aluminum Alloys
  • Stainless Steels
  • Nickel Alloys
  • Titanium Alloys
  • Copper Alloys
  • Cobalt

ATS’ quality assurance program meets the most stringent industry requirements, including the nuclear industry. ATS carries ISO 9001:2015 registration, and our chemistry and metallurgy/mechanical testing laboratories are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) accredited.

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