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EMI Testing

Applied Technical Services performs MIL-STD-461 testing in our state-of-the-art, ISO 9001:2015 registered and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited EMI/EMC testing facility. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing is used to analyze the interference emitted by a subject to determine industry compliance. While all electronic equipment emanates electromagnetic signals, the interference caused must fall within specific parameters to safely operate in their intended service environment and achieve compliance.


MIL-STD-461 testing procedures set the standards for military aircraft subsystems and equipment. These specifications, regulated by the US Department of Defense, pertain to the specific electromagnetic interference emissions and vulnerability characteristics specific to electromechanical machinery, equipment, and vehicles.

MIL-STD-461 Testing Standards

Applied Technical Services conducts EMI testing procedures that adhere to the following standards:

  • CS101
  • CS114
  • CS115
  • CS116
  • CS117
  • CS118
  • CE101
  • CE102
  • RE101
  • RE102 (up to 18 GHz)
  • RS101
  • RS103 (up to 18GHz and 200V/m)

Applied Technical Services

The certified experts at Applied Technical Services are highly trained professionals committed to achieving customer satisfaction of the highest level on every project. ATS strives to maximize the value of our MIL-STD-461 testing by utilizing innovative technologies to provide reliable data while reducing client costs.

Founded in 1967, ATS has the experience and resources to ensure world-class service across many industries and disciplines. Applied Technical Services also conducts RTCA DO-160 EMI testing for commercial and recreational aircraft (Sections 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Conducted, 21 Conducted, 21 Radiated, 22 (levels 1-3), and 25. Our frequently expanding list of EMI testing capabilities will include both MIL-STD-461 RS101 and RS103.

Contact Us

Get in contact with ATS today to schedule your next electromagnetic interference and compatibility testing.

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