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Volatile organic chemicals from a car air vent and an environmental testing chamber

VOC Defined

Intro To VOCs

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemical gases emitted from solids and liquids at room temperature. Fuels, household products, cosmetic products, disinfectants, and many other cleaning solvents are examples of products that may emit VOCs during use or storage. VOCs are diverse structures of chemicals that can cause adverse health effects when airborne at high densities. High levels of VOCs typically occur indoors, where densities can reach levels of up to 10x higher than outdoors.

VOCs have been known to be associated with both short and long-term adverse health effects. Throat irritation, liver damage, and even cancer have been found to be associated with the exposure to VOCs. Regulatory agencies like the EPA are dedicated to promoting healthy indoor air quality and good building practices. Industry and manufacture standards for testing VOCs have been established to help eliminate the possibility of accidental exposure.

VOC Testing with ATS

ATS offers extensive VOC testing and analysis to deliver clear and decisive results in servicing your specific requirements. Our expansive laboratory facilities allow our experts to utilize specialized equipment in the undertaking of rigorous VOC examination. VOCs are detected and analyzed by way of static headspace-gas chromatography technology.

ATS professionals execute cutting-edge industry methodologies including but not limited to:

  • VDA 270
  • VDA 277
  • VDA 278
  • EPA 8260C
  • EPA 5021
  • ISO-12219-3
  • DIN 75201
  • ASTM D3960
  • ASTM D2369
  • ASTM D4457 – 02
  • ASTM D4017 – 02