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New car dashboard and wheel

VOC Safety

VOCs in Everyday Products

Have you ever bought a car and become enamored by that intoxicating “new car smell,” an aroma reminiscent of a clean and shiny new toy you worked so hard to earn? Well, we hate to burst your bubble, but that smell is volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitting from the plastic, vinyl, and foam lamination that makes up the car’s interior. They are released from the polymer components in the car because their high vapor pressure allows them to evaporate at normal temperatures.

You would be surprised how many everyday products emit smells that most do not realize are potentially harmful VOCs. Acetone is found in nail polish remover and wallpaper. Formaldehyde is found in floor lacquers. Ethanol is found in glass cleaners and detergents. VOCs are all around us. Steps can be taken to reduce exposure to products emitting VOCs like storing them in outside areas or increasing air filtration when using them indoors. However, the only surefire way to safeguard against VOC emissions is through rigorous testing and analysis to ensure products/components comply with industry/regulatory requirements.

ATS’ chemists utilize an expansive range of analytical techniques to provide our clients with the highest quality VOC testing. Our experts undertake VOC analysis through static/dynamic headspace or thermal desorption GCMS. We work with clients in the automotive, polymer/plastic, consumer goods, and paint and coatings communities to ensure materials are safe and compliant with regulatory standards. With VOCs prevalent in everyday products, we look forward to continuing to serve our communities as a leading chemical analysis firm, providing reliable analytical data pertaining to your VOC testing needs.