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Bill H.R. 6269 Has Been Introduced That Would Ban the Use of Bisphenol-A (BPA) in Food Storage Containers

Currently, the FDA has banned the use of BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups. Additionally, the California Office of Administrative Law approved a Maximum Allowable Dose Level (MADL) for BPA this past June. The MADL is 3 micrograms per day for dermal exposure. 

To read the complete bill, click here.

New Chemicals Added to Proposition 65

The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) recently updated the Proposition 65 List to add new chemicals to the list. The recently added chemicals are as follows:

  • 1. Sedaxane
  • 2. Atrazine
  • 3. Des-ethyl atrazine (DEA)
  • 4. Des-isopropyl atrazine (DIA)
  • 5. 2,4-Diamino-6-chloro-s-triazine (DACT)
  • 6. Propazine
  • 7. Simazine
  • 8. Bromodichloroacetic acid

To review the entire list of chemicals, which is approaching 1,000 chemicals, please visit the OEHHA website.

CA Prop 65 Notice Issued: PFOA & PFOS

The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has issued notice to add chemicals Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), CAS No. 335-67-1 and Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), CAS No. 1763-23-1 to the Proposition 65 list of chemicals. At this point, OEHHA is accepting comments until November 16, 2016. PFOA and PFOS are surfactants that are used in a variety of consumer products, such as: non-stick cookware, paper coatings used in food packaging, carpets, textiles, and others.

To review the notice of intent, click here.

EPA Reviewing Top 10 Chemicals

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has provided the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with a top 10 chemical list to review and consider future regulation. The list includes: asbestos, PERC, phthalates, BPA, chlorinated phosphate fire retardants, TBBPA, brominated phthalate fire retardants, 1-Bromopropane, DEHA, and P-dichlorobenzene.

For more details, click here.