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cpsc magnet toy

CPSC Magnets

CPSC approves NEW requirement for High-Powered Magnets

On September 24, 2014, the CPSC approved a new magnet standard that is applicable to high-powered magnet sets. The performance standard requires the magnets to be large enough so that they do not fit into the small parts cylinder. Additionally, the CPSC has established a limit for the magnetic force. The magnet must be below the specified magnet strength.

This legislation comes about due to the hazardous and sometimes life-threatening situation that arises when a child swallows 2 magnets, which can then result in the clamping of internal organs and tissues. The new standard goes into effect on April 1, 2015. Any magnet sets manufactured/imported on or after this date must comply with the new high-powered magnet requirement.

New Lead & Cadmium Limit for Children’s Jewelry Proposed by Health Canada

Health Canada has proposed a more stringent limit for both lead and cadmium in children’s jewelry. The lead limit is 90 parts per million (ppm) and cadmium is 130 ppm. The requirement is applicable to jewelry that is considered a “small part,” which is defined as objects that can fit into the small part cylinder.

BPA Substitution

In addition to Bisphenol A (BPA), ATS is currently reviewing additional chemicals that are similar in structure to BPA. We presently analyze for BPA & BPS with a current detection limit of 100 parts per trillion. Additional bisphenol analogs are under review at our lab, which includes the following:

  • Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE)
  • Bisphenol AF
  • Bisphenol AP
  • Bisphenol B
  • Bisphenol P
  • Bisphenol F
  • Bisphenol Z

The words “BPA-free” are frequently seen on plastic products these days. Ranging from baby bottles to plastic food storage containers; however, some clients have found that BPA is substituted for one of the other bisphenol similar chemicals that are listed above. For the other compounds the detection limits will most likely range and testing for these additional analogs may be available upon request.

About ATS

Applied Technical Services (ATS) is a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) accredited lab testing consumer products, which includes toys, childcare articles, children’s products, and non-children’s products for compliance with the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA). Since 1967 we have partnered with our clients to help meet consumer expectations, as well as all safety, regulatory, quality, and performance standards.

As a compliance testing partner, we support our clients in establishing a reasonable testing and certification program. Our staff is highly knowledgeable with current compliance regulations, and can provide you with rapid response and quick testing turnaround times. Our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditations and ISO 9001:2015:2015 registered quality assurance programs meet the most stringent industry requirements.