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Focus on architectural details of the U.S. Capitol Building

CPSC Standards

CPSC Third Party Testing Compliance Toy Safety Standard – H.R. 2715

On December 31, 2011 the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) will lift the stay on enforcement for testing and certification of toys and children’s products. Therefore, those involved in the manufacturing and selling of toys will be required to perform third party testing for compliance with the toy safety standard ASTM F963-08 and meet the phthalate requirement (limit is 1000 ppm per regulated phthalate). Between now and then, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) will continue to evaluate the specifics of the requirements.

The bill recently passed, H.R. 2715, addresses key issues of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA). Some items, such as the following, will be clarified with H.R. 2715:

  • Lead limits apply to children’s products manufactured after the effective date of the limit. So, it is not retroactive
  • Exempting certain products from the lead limits – those which it is not technologically feasible for the part to function at the current lead limit
  • Excludes certain used children’s products – does not apply to children’s jewelry or products that are known to contain lead
  • Exempts off-highway vehicles
  • Exempts bicycles from the current lead limits and establishes a different limit for metal parts
  • Looks to reduce testing costs
  • Addresses small batch manufacturer concerns of third part testing
  • Applies phthalate limits to children’s toys that are plasticized and accessible

To review the entire bill please click here.

Please feel free to contact our lab for additional information regarding testing to meet current and future regulatory requirements. Our laboratory is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), certificate number 1888.02. Additionally, we are a CPSC accredited lab, our laboratory identification number is 1030.