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customer service

Great Service And Education Go Hand-In-Hand

ATS Commercial Services has always been focused on providing great service to our clients. As we move into the new decade, we are determined to further that service by focusing on client education. We have offered lunch-and-learns to commercial architecture firms in the past, presenting design requirements of façade access systems for new construction.

Moving forward, we are extending our lunch-and-learns to property management groups and commercial organizations such as BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) and IFMA (International Facilities Management Association). These lunch-and-learns emphasize the importance of OSHA regulations and industry standards’ compliance for façade access and fall protection systems.

Education on compliance is critical for two main reasons: safety of the users and building and facility owner liability risks. Our primary goal is to assist building and facility owners in providing a safe working environment for the users of façade access and fall protection systems. Secondly, we hope to relay the risks associated with non-compliant systems such as OSHA fines and lawsuits in the event of an injury, or worse, a user’s death due to a non-compliant system.

Life safety systems deserve attention and we hope to shine a spotlight on the importance of compliance through lunch-and-learns.

ATS Commercial Services is dedicated to expanding industry knowledge in 2020 because we believe in safety first and that education is the key to success.