Page for Posts: 47549
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Maximize Your Investment In The Cloud

Today, if you are not using the cloud, you are in the minority. Abel Solutions, an ATS company, is a Microsoft Gold Partner and Cloud Service Provider who can help you maximize your investment in the cloud. If you have not already started leveraging Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Office 365 to increase your productivity and competitive leadership, then you should contact Abel Solutions. 

Our consultants have the knowledge and experience to assist with all aspects of the cloud:

  • ROI and strategic planning on how to efficiently and effectively migrate to the cloud
  • Line of Business assessments to ensure smooth transitions of applications and processes
  • Licensing review and management
  • Deployment of cloud features such as Advance Threat Protection and Enterprise Mobile Security to address cybersecurity risks
  • Cloud-enabled applications and processes to increase process productivity, for example in the areas of quality management and compliance

Additionally, as an ATS customer, if you are already using Microsoft Office 365, Abel Solutions can save you 10%- 20% off your monthly Microsoft Office 365 fees.

We invite you to take a new look at Abel Solutions by visiting and learn more about partnering with us to help you maximize your cloud investment.