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A technician uses a voltmeter probe on an electrical switchgear cabinet.

New Electrical Engineer

ATS is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Florian Misoc to their Forensic Investigations Department. Dr. Misoc holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Kansas State University, an M.Sc. in Engineering Technology from Pittsburg State University, and a B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Bucharest. Dr. Misoc’s prior experience includes Associate Professorships at several Universities, including Kennesaw State University (formerly Southern Polytech), Arkansas Tech University, and Mississippi Valley State University.

Before joining ATS, Dr. Misoc worked as a Design Engineer for S-Nelson & Associates, in Dallas, GADr. Misoc’s expertise is in the area of Electric Power, in which he holds professional engineering registration (P.E.) in the states of AR and GA.

He will be a great asset with inspections and investigations in the failure analysis of electrical, electronic, and mechanical systems including power electronics, electric machines and thermal machines. Fields of expertise include: engineering design, forensic engineering, vehicular systems analysis (conventional, hybrid and electric), manufacturing processes, programmable logic controllers, power systems analysis, electric power generation and transmission, heat transfer and thermodynamics.