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Custom load testing equipment and gauge

Improvements to ATS’ Special Testing Technology

Our Special Testing team can perform testing for customers that fits the need of their products, especially the ones that don’t necessarily fall in a standard testing model.

By listening to our customers, we design testing protocols to meet their unique testing requests, as well as evaluate possible areas of expansion for our testing services and equipment. For example, in 2021 we designed and built an extra-large testing structure to expand our ability to test our customer’s larger samples and provide proof load testing at higher loads. This new 20’ tall “big boy” is over 50 percent larger than our current largest table and can hold samples 8’ wide by 15’ tall and 20’ long. We can provide loads up to 200,000 lbs. (twice the previous load limit) depending on the configuration of the test. We can also move the structural beams around to fit our customers’ samples that don’t always fit into traditional load tables.

Increasing our pressure testing capabilities was also a customer request, so we expanded limits to 40,000 psig by adding the Additel Pressure Bench to our lab. We continue to engage our customers in finding new ways to meet their testing needs and enhance our lab services.