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Hand holds a tag on a roof anchor

Commercial Services Growth

April 2022

ATS Commercial Services is experiencing remarkable growth thanks to a brand-new compliance program service and expansions in our lightning protection system offerings.

A Comprehensive Compliance Program

ATS Commercial Services, and our subsidiary PENTA Engineering, have developed a new service for property managers, facility managers, and building owners. In addition to annual inspections, 5 and 10-year testing, certification, engineering design, retrofits, and repairs for façade access and fall protection equipment, we now offer a comprehensive compliance program.

The ATS compliance program is a more robust service offering clients the ability to achieve façade access and fall protection system compliance with OSHA and industry standards, as well as create consistency across portfolio buildings and facility sites. Consistency and compliance are accomplished through company specific policies and procedures developed by ATS and an online client portal provided by ATS for client access to all required documentation pertaining to these systems.

Company Growth

Additionally, in 2021, ATS saw almost a 200% growth in our lightning protection system (LPS) services, which include inspection, ground loop resistance testing, design, installation, and repairs. Our LPS services also branched out to several other states, making it our fastest-growing service this year.

A big thank you to our clients for your business over the past year and we hope you have a wonderful 2022!