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Dead weight tester for pressure calibration

Expanded UHP Capabilities

The ATS Family of Companies is thrilled to announce that our Marietta location’s calibration lab has expanded its capabilities. Our newly purchased Harwood deadweight tester enables us to calibrate pressure systems with increased accuracy and repeatability. The Harwood deadweight tester calibrates ultra-high-pressure gages and pressure transducers up to 180,000 PSI, maintaining an accuracy of 0.4 percent.

About Harwood Deadweight Testers

Hardwood deadweight testers are precision instruments that are highly effective at calibrating pressure measurement equipment. Harwood deadweight testers have numerous benefits and capabilities, including:

  • Traceable measurements and accuracy
  • Durability
  • Portability for use in-lab and on-site
  • Suitability for calibrations involving a wide range of pressure instruments

Calibrations at Applied Technical Services

The ATS Family of Companies provides precise and competitively priced inspection, calibration, and repair services, benefiting companies in numerous industries. We’re committed to ensuring that our services keep pace with our clients’ demands, so we continuously invest in new instruments and technologies, such as our newly acquired Harwood deadweight tester.

Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more about our expanded UHP capabilities.