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California State Capitol Building with OEHHA Logo Floating Next to It

California Bills Restricting PFAS and BPA

California Assembly Bill 347

California Assembly Bill 347 empowers the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to enforcement the requirements outlined in numerous PFAS related bills. The bill also establishes registration requirements for products affected by the bill.

The legislation enables the DTSC to enforce regulations on products under the following categories, apparel and textiles (AB1817), plant based food packaging (AB1200), and juvenile products (AB 652). To comply with the bill, manufacturers impacted by the legislation must register with DTSC on or before July 1, 2029. They must also list acceptable PFAS test methods on their website for the convenience of third-party labs.

Enforcement of California Bill 347 begins on July 1, 2030.

California Assembly Bill 2515

California Assembly Bill 2515, also known as Take All Menstrual Products-PFAS Out Now (T.A.M.P.O.N) was signed into law, creating PFAS registration requirements and restrictions.

Beginning January 1, 2025, menstrual products cannot be manufactured, sold, or distributed if they’re known to contain PFAS. Manufacturers are required to register with the DTSC on or before January 1, 2029, and post acceptable PFAS test methods on their website by January 1, 2027.

California State Bill 1266

California State Bill 1266 expands the Health and Safety Code’s restrictions of bisphenol A (BPA) as of January 1, 2026. The bill increases the age restrictions for BPA related products targeting young consumers and adds additional products to the scope BPA restrictions.

As of January 1, 2026, it will be illegal to manufacture, distribute, or sell juvenile teething, sucking, and feeding products containing any concentration of BPA above the practical quantitation limit issued. The bill doesn’t include medical devices and food and beverage containers intended for the general population.

PFAS and BPA Testing with ATS

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies employs experts with decades of collective experience in PFAS and BPA testing. Our chemical analysis labs use state-of-the-art technologies and regulation-compliant test methods to measure the presence of restricted and forbidden chemicals in a wide range of materials. Please contact an ATS representative for more information about our capabilities and services.