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Applied Technical Services performs DIN 75220 testing for clients looking to test the durability of vehicle components such as bumpers (exterior) and dashboards (interior) against simulated weathering effects. Exposure to harsh environmental conditions such as direct sunlight can compromise both the cosmetic and structural characteristics of automobile parts.

Standard DIN 75220 testing helps automakers by outlining the process of simulating prolonged solar radiation exposure. As one of the established, in-demand methods used in the automotive industry, it describes steady-state and cycled testing processes. Manufacturers can determine the weathering resistance of a given test material in a relatively short time by utilizing this accelerated aging test.

ATS performs all DIN standard 75220 testing in our automotive testing labs. Our experienced personnel operate an advanced global spectrum solar system for method 75220 tests to realistically simulate the effects of natural sunlight. This system also complies with VDA 230-219 and MBN 55555-5, providing an irradiation area with the maximum size of 2.0 m x 1.5 m.

Applied Technical Services – A Reliable Testing Provider

For over 50 years, ATS has maintained an excellent reputation for providing top quality testing, inspection, and consulting engineering services. In recent years we have grown across both national and global markets, uncovering facts in Materials Testing, Forensic Investigations, Metallurgy, Calibration Services, Nondestructive Testing, and Chemical Analysis. We work with clients from a variety of industries, including those in the fields of aerospace, automotive, chemical, consumer products, healthcare, insurance, and manufacturing.

ATS Labs and Lab Experts Deliver Quality Assurance

ATS is always pursuing the continuous improvement of our comprehensive testing and inspection services. Therefore, our field and lab technicians work under the ATS Quality System, following the recognized system standards of the relevant industries in which they work. Our certified experts include investigators, metallurgists, scientists, chemists, Professional Engineers of various disciplines, and well-trained technicians. ATS’ accreditations and certifications include ISO 9001:2015-2015, Nadcap, and recognition as an FAA Repair Station.

ATS is committed to the following policies:

  • Employ Qualified and Engaged Employees
  • Conduct Testing and Inspections Following Applicable Standards
  • Provide Clear and Accurate Data
  • Deliver All Professional Services in A Timely Manner
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