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Applied Technical Services (ATS) Calibration labs often perform Centurion NDT Conductivity Meter calibrations which is used in many industries. Centurion NDT manufactures portable and high-quality conductivity meters, such as the FM-140XL model. In addition to servicing the conductivity meters, ATS is capable of validating reference check standards.

Centurion NDT’s eddy current based tester is used for sorting most non-ferrous metals for their temper condition and helps in alloy identification. In many industries, it is essential to calibrate a conductivity meter regularly for it to produce accurate and precise readings. The electrical conductivity will indicate whether the material has the properties to perform efficiently. With many precision measuring devices requiring calibration, ATS has become a leading resource for NIST traceable, ISO 17025 accredited calibrations. Along with being able to provide calibrations to the applicable standard, ATS provides five to seven business day turnaround on in-house calibration services. If a client is requesting a standard calibration with no repairs, ATS offers an expedited service which gives the subject asset next-on-bench priority all the way through the calibration process. Typically, this is accomplished in two business days.

Trust ATS as Your Calibration Provider

Many clients, nationally and internationally, trust ATS to calibrate their precision equipment. ATS meets customer needs by being familiar with many industry standards, housing well-equipped labs, having experienced employees and providing clear and accurate data.

Other Conductivity Meter Brands ATS Services Include, But Not Limited To:

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