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Applied Technical Services (ATS) Calibration Department frequently performs Fischer Conductivity Meter Calibrations. Fischer is an industry leader when it comes to manufacturing metrology equipment. Fischer Conductivity Meters are a frequent calibration completed at ATS. Our lab experts are knowledgeable and experienced with a large variety of brands and their standards.

Calibrations are Essential

Calibrations can be essential to the quality of work accomplished daily in your industry. Fischer Conductivity Meter measure most non-ferrous metals. These meters allow the user to reveal the metals capabilities to conduct electrical current and is able to indirectly derive information about the changes in the metals heat treat condition, composition, and mechanical properties.

ATS – A Trusted Calibration Source

ATS Calibration provides quality calibration services including proper documentation and can test to most standards. We also provide a web-based interface, iPortal, where clients can receive electronic copies of calibration certificates, access to calibration status, history and due date reports for your equipment. Our quality assurance system satisfies the requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, ISO 9001:2015, 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR Part 21 and ISO: 17025 (A2LA). Applied Technical Services offers ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibrations on conductivity meters, unlike most labs in the country. ATS can also validate reference check standards. We understand that instrument confidence is important in many industries, so when you need reliability in your instrument calibrations, trust in ATS.

Other Conductivity Meter Brands ATS Services

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