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Offline and Remote CMM Programming

Remote CMM programming allows our dimensional inspection experts to create coordinate measuring machine programs and routines remotely, without requiring a direct connection to a CMM. This programming method creates custom, client-specified measurement routines in accordance with provided parameters. Remote CMM programming offers a variety of advantages, such as cost-effectiveness, versatility, optimized efficiency, controlled-environment operation, and streamlined processing. Our CMM programming technicians apply decades of experience and provide continued support to address any future issues quickly and efficiently.

Dimensional Inspections at ATS

The Applied Technical Services Dimensional Inspections Laboratory features state-of-the-art equipment, including the FARO Quantum Max, Zeiss Metrotom 1500, and North Star x5000. These coordinate measuring machines allow us to perform precise, cost-effective dimensional inspections for our clients working across a wide range of industries. The versatile FARO Quantum Max features three laser line probes (LLPs) with an expansive set of capabilities. The Zeiss Metrotom 1500 utilizes radiography to perform computed tomography (CT) scans, yielding precise, accurate measurements. The North Star x5000, also an x-ray CT system, allows our dimensional inspection experts to scan large subjects with intricate components.

Additional Services

Beyond our offline and remote CMM programming services, our dimensional inspection lab features a long list of capabilities that include:

Applied Technical Services is proud to offer comprehensive on-site CMM training programs, in which our programming experts will come to your business and teach employees how to perform various types of CMM programming. ATS is also an authorized FARO reseller, offering advanced, high-quality equipment with long-term support and assistance.

Applied Technical Services

Between ATSโ€™ highly proficient CMM programming experts and a steadfast, long-standing commitment to exceptional service quality, Applied Technical Services is the clear choice in remote CMM programming. Our technicians are dedicated to helping your business thrive, working diligently and providing excellent, accessible support to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction. With over 55 years of business experience, we have established ourselves as one of the most reputable, capable testing, inspection, certification, and compliance (TICC) providers in the country.

Get in touch with us today by submitting a webform on this page or calling 1 (888) 287-5227.

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