Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer Analysis (GC/MS) is used to identify a wide array of organic compounds by separating a complex mixture of compounds. The GC/MS can be used to verify the presence of known substances and identify unknown materials. It is particularly useful in detecting trace levels of organic compounds in a variety of matrices. ATS utilizes the equipment in the consumer product testing and the polymer industries, to name a few. The chemists staffing our gas chromatography lab have extensive knowledge and experience performing analyses on the GC/MS.
ATS’ Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer Analysis Capabilities Include:
- Phthalates
- Volatile Organic Compounds
- Azo Dyes
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- PBDE and PBB
- PCBs
- Natural Gas Analysis
- Fuels
- Hydraulic Fluids