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Applied Technical Services offers advanced analytical capabilities with our Triple Quadrupole Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometer which allows for low detection limits on a variety of organic compounds. Many clients request ATS’ GCMS services to ensure their product materials remain compliant with consumer safety standards and regulations. Our chemical analysis lab returns accurate findings within a quick turnaround window because of our chemists’ extensive experience in regularly performing GCMS analysis and testing for a wide variety of products and compounds.

Our Equipment Allows for:

  • Significantly increasing sample throughput by using an autosampler that can hold 150 sample vials.
  • Selectively analyzing the compounds of interest in a complex matrix which allows the instrument to only analyze for the compounds of interest without having to worry about the other compounds that may be present.
  • Achieving detection limits at the ppt (parts per trillion) level of most organic compounds. This sensitivity is several orders of magnitude lower than traditional GCMS analysis and testing units. Most customers and regulatory agencies are continuing to request lower detection limits for organic compounds, particularly those that may be used in a children’s product or toy.

Most Common Applications of GCMS Analysis/Testing:

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