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Qualified contractors from ATS can help create an asbestos abatement plan design for tackling hazardous materials. We can assess your commercial building for the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and work with you to determine the next steps.

About Asbestos

Asbestos refers to six types of mineral fibers found in nature. Historically, asbestos’s resistance to heat, electricity, and corrosion made it desirable in the shipbuilding, mining, and construction industries. Today, it is commonly encountered in the automotive repair, building renovation, and demolition industries. However, asbestos contains carcinogens toxic to humans when inhaled or ingested. Any object with asbestos is called an asbestos-containing material (ACM).

Asbestos exposure can lead to mesothelioma, asbestosis, and other cancers of the ovaries and larynx, and has also been linked to pleuritis and COPD. Any exposure to asbestos is dangerous, but the effects may not be immediate. Asbestos has a long latency period after intake, so symptoms may appear decades after exposure.

How do you know you have encountered asbestos? You don’t, at least not without laboratory testing. The microscopic fibers are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Additionally, they are odorless and tasteless. Do not try to identify or eliminate asbestos on your own—call an accredited asbestos inspector to determine the presence of asbestos in your environment.

Asbestos Abatement

Asbestos abatement is the process of identifying and managing asbestos. It requires two sets of professionals: inspectors and contractors.

ATS can send a certified inspector to your location to perform a visual examination and collect bulk samples for further testing. If the lab results confirm the presence of asbestos in your location, ATS can advise you as you select a trusted contractor to either repair or remove the asbestos. We can help you select a certified contractor for asbestos abatement.

Asbestos repair involves one of two options: encapsulation, whereby the contractor seals the asbestos inside a safe container or enclosure, which covers the ACM. If you prefer to remove ACM from your location, know that asbestos removal is more expensive than asbestos repair.

All responses must be performed properly by a professional to ensure the safety of you, your employees, and our specialists.

Laws & Regulations

Asbestos is regulated but not banned at the federal level in the U.S., although federal laws regarding demolition and renovation of asbestos-containing buildings exist, such as the EPA’s Clean Air Act.OSHA, the EPA, and other federal organizations have released regulations and guides for the protection of workers and demolition of places with asbestos:

  • OSHA – 29 CFR 1910.1001, Appendices A-E
  • EPA – 40 CFR Parts 9 & 721
  • OSHA – 29 CFR 1926.1101
  • EPA – 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart G

Individual states and localities have also passed laws related to the handling of ACM and perceived ACM (PACM). Our experts will adhere to the local rulings on air pollution control and worker safety.

Federal and local regulations can depend on the detection of friable asbestos or non-friable asbestos. Friable asbestos breaks and crumbles into airborne dust and is commonly found in pipes and talcum powder. On the other hand, non-friable asbestos remains solid unless sawed, scraped, or crushed. Non-friable asbestos was historically present in cement slabs, pipes, and vinyl floor tiles.

At your request, an ATS specialist can supervise the work site to ensure that contractors comply with EPA-recommended Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Guidance.

ATS Family

ATS strongly affirms our policy of offering thorough and timely materials testing, engineering consulting, and inspections in accordance with our registered ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management standard.

For 55+ years, we have provided high-quality service to national and international clients across the automotive, manufacturing, and chemical industries, among others. Our growing family of companies offers additional testing and engineering services to complement our research and inspections.

ATS employs licensed contractors for asbestos abatement. We can offer a single contract for air quality monitoring and improvement services, including:

  • Asbestos Detection
  • Asbestos Abatement Plan Consulting
  • Asbestos Repair or Asbestos Removal Observations
  • Air Monitoring and Clearing
  • Contract Administration


ATS pursues a high standard of service and research, proven by our certifications and accreditations:

  • Chemical Lab: ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) Accreditation
  • NDT Certificate

Click here to see our full list of accreditations and certifications.

Contact Us

If you believe you have found asbestos in your location, do not touch it. Do not handle it alone. Call ATS at +1 (888) 287-5227 for an asbestos inspection and asbestos abatement plan.

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