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EPA-certified lead abatement contractors from ATS have the training and experience to prevent lead exposure during renovation and demolition work. While industries have taken steps to reduce lead in manufactured products and modern houses, people may encounter lead in the paint, piping, plumbing, and ceramics in houses and buildings raised before 1978. Left alone, lead-based paint poses little threat, but renovation and repair projects may disturb lead-based materials.Adult lead exposure may contribute to the following:

  • Decreased kidney function
  • Hypertension
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased risk of miscarriage or premature labor

Construction and renovation professionals are especially vulnerable to lead exposure. Decades of studies have also linked lead exposure to anemia and slowed growth in children who touch, inhale, or ingest lead. To prevent liability and adverse health risks, clients request lead evaluation and abatement services from EPA-certified contractors such as ATS.

Lead Detection

ATS serves commercial, institutional, and industrial sites during renovations, repairs, and demolition projects that may cause lead exposure. Per EPA guidelines, we undergo a rigorous recertification process every five years to keep our techniques fresh and our professionals informed of recent changes to regulations.

Our EPA-certified inspectors can safely identify lead-based materials. A lead survey is a thorough inspection of every surface potentially impacted by the renovation or demolition project. After lead detection, a risk assessor can identify the type, location, and severity of lead throughout the building. The building owner may choose to remove the lead-based material or establish a maintenance plan with regular inspections.

Lead Remediation

If selected as a demolition contractor for lead abatement, an ATS lead abatement team will follow safe and efficient procedures for demolition and cleanup. ATS can support worksite safety and compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Our trained and certified professionals can train employees to comply with OSHA and EPA standards so personnel can monitor and document lead exposure during work activities.

A Resident Project Representative (RPR) from ATS can perform worksite observations during renovations and demolition to ensure compliance with OSHA 29 CFR 1029.62, a standard dictating that individuals potentially exposed to lead-based materials must wear protective gear, undergo biological monitoring (such as blood sampling), and complete hazard training. ATS can also support worksite safety through air monitoring and wipe samples.

Throughout a project, ATS can help clients dispose of lead-based waste according to EPA guidelines. Using the Lead Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (Lead TCLP), our experts can classify and remove lead materials to the appropriate locations.

EPA Standards and Regulations

As an EPA-certified contractor, ATS can ensure lead abatement complies with federal regulations, such as:

  • 40 CFR Part 745
  • TSCA Sections 402, 403 and 404
  • Title X Section 1018
  • Clean Air Act

About ATS and Our Family of Companies

Since 1967, Applied Technical Services has striven to provide clients with high-quality customer service, prompt testing, and detailed analysis. We draw on experienced industry professionals and innovative technology to suit our clientsโ€™ needs nationwide. The ATS Family of Companies provides hundreds of services that involve consulting engineering, calibrations, inspections, and testing.Our central lab supports daily experiments and analyses. ATS holds A2LA and NADCAP certifications. We support our clients with services of the highest quality in the disciplines:

  • Chemical Testing
  • Electrical Testing
  • Material Testing
  • Mechanical Testing
  • Nondestructive Inspection
  • Calibrations

To learn more about our industry recognition, here.

Contact Us

Before you start a renovation or demolition project, call a professional lead inspector. To schedule EPA-certified lead inspection and abatement contractors, call +1 (888) 287-5227 or complete the request form on this page today!

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