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Mold inspection and testing uncover the source and extent of mold spread in commercial buildings that cannot be easily reached or cleaned. Generally, mold grows where moist, humid air hits cold surfaces with high relative humidity (RH) compared to their surroundings. Areas of poor circulation, low insulation, and condensation are especially at risk for mold problems.

Mold produces mold spores that are responsible for the spread of mold on porous surfaces and in the air. When mold spores are inhaled, people can develop a range of adverse symptoms that mimic asthma or an allergic reaction:

  • Itchy eyes and throat
  • Coughing
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Skin rash

Long-term or high-intensity exposure to mold has dire effects:

  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory problems
  • Lung infection
  • Internal bleeding

Mold can grow on building materials like wood, tile, and drywall surfaces or in air ducts and vents. The greatest mold growth occurs in moist and undisturbed locations, particularly around plumbing. Rot and mold can wreak havoc on the integrity of your building, causing a leaky roof, a collapsed beam, or worse.

ATS Inspections and Testing

We recommend you get a mold inspection:

  • When moving to a new building, especially if it has been unoccupied or derelict
  • When renovating or restoring an older building
  • After water damage
  • When mold spreads beyond a 10 ft² area

Our service covers the discovery, treatment, and monitoring of mold remediation in an end-to-end single contract for your convenience and peace of mind.

Our Indoor Environmental Professionals (IEPs) assess your site for the presence and extent of visible mold, potential sources, indoor air quality complaints, and the potential impacts of mold on air quality and building safety. Bulk samples of mold allow us to determine the type of mold found at your location. Additionally, we can take air samples to assess if mold spores are present.

From there, we craft a cost-effective response delivered by our professionals or a trusted contractor. We offer worksite observations to ensure our contractors meet your standards.

Standards and Regulation

Currently, no federal law exists for mold remediation and removal. Our professionals follow local and state laws for mold remediation. Additionally, we comply with EPA, OSHA, and IICRC guidelines:

  • EPA Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings Guide
  • IICRC S500 Standard and Reference Guide for Water Restoration
  • IICRC S520 Standard and Reference Guide for Mold Remediation

About ATS

ATS provides high-quality testing, calibration, and inspection services to clients in a variety of industries across the country. We work with our growing network of family companies for data-driven analysis and discovery. From our humble beginnings in 1967 to our international presence today, we have always committed to bringing our clients detailed results with a quick turnaround.

ATS Quality and Certifications

ATS prides itself on strict standards for high-caliber and timely results from our licensed specialists. Our mission of excellence has earned us an outstanding reputation among our clients in the business, construction, and manufacturing professions.

The company has earned numerous certifications, including:

  • ISO/IEC 17025:2017(A2LA)
  • NADCAP Non-Destructive Testing

ATS meets Quality Management standard ISO 9001:2015 for continuous inspection and improvement in all our systems.

Contact ATS

Do not wait for a load-bearing wall to rot before scheduling a mold inspection. Call +1 (888) 287-5227 for mold inspection and testing at your convenience.

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