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ATS’ Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Services

Applied Technical Services offers phased array ultrasonic testing which is an advanced ultrasonic testing method. The phased array probe produce a steerable, tightly focused, high-resolution beam that creates a detailed image slice of a structure or weld making it easy to identify flaws or discontinuities. One of the advanced features of phased array testing is the ability to view the scan in real time from a remote location.

Our phased array UT technicians are experienced leaders in the ultrasonic testing field who have undergone additional training that specializes in the phased array NDT techniques. ATS’ ultrasonic testing experts provide quality inspection services for a broad range of industries throughout the US and abroad. Our NDT division offers phased array ultrasonic testing services in our laboratories, field locations and/or on customer premises.

Common Findings

  • Flaws in Structural Metals
  • Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • Shrinkage Cracks
  • Stringers
  • Laminations and Seams
  • Hydrogen Flakes
  • Slag
  • Bond Lines and Lack of Fusion
  • Porosity

Commonly Tested Materials

  • Plastics
  • Ceramics
  • Metals
  • Aluminum, Steel, Titanium, Copper, Iron, Etc.

Common Applications

  • Structural Metals Inspections
  • Pipeline Welds
  • Aerospace Components
  • Weld Inspections
  • Detection and Sizing of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Turbine Rotors
  • In-service Testing of Pipes
  • Flange Corrosion under Gasket

Industries Regularly Requesting Phased Array

Our Quality Services

ATS has provided NDT testing and inspection services to commercial and industrial clients for more than 50 years. We are continually expanding our NDT capabilities to better serve our clients. Our experts dedicate themselves to providing excellent customer service. If you need phased array testing, contact ATS today for a free quote.

We’re here to help.

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