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Applied Technical Services provides phased array inspections, also known as phased array ultrasonic testing, to detect defects in otherwise inaccessible components and structures. Phased array deploys a focused, high-resolution beam into a structure, such as a pipe or vessel, to identify potential discontinuities.

Advanced Services

Phased array inspection is a highly advanced nondestructive testing method that allows technicians to determine thickness, identify weld defects, or inspect materials for potentially detrimental discontinuities. Our phased array testing specialists are experienced leaders in their field and have undergone comprehensive ultrasonic NDT training.

ATS provides quality phased array inspection services for the aviation industry in the United States and abroad.

Phased Array in Aviation

Phased array ultrasonic testing is a commonly utilized method of aircraft inspection. Phased array inspections are used to examine ceramics, plastics, and metals, including but not limited to:

  • Steel
  • Stainless Steel
  • Aluminum
  • Titanium
  • Iron
  • Copper

Applied Technical Services

Applied Technical Services employs the industry’s most experienced nondestructive testing experts. The NDT Aviation services provided by our team at ATS effectively increase safety, reduce costs, and help prevent downtime for our clients around the world. With over fifty years of experience, ATS strives to ensure the highest level of client satisfaction with excellent customer service, innovative technologies, and reliable information.

Our customer service team connects clients to relevant experts who can help provide solutions to their problems. These knowledgeable experts report findings as quickly as possible, giving clients the information necessary for making informed decisions.

Contact Us

Contact us today to schedule your next phased array inspection.

Customer Service Representative, Ready to Help Direct You to the People Who can Help

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