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Applied Technical Services performs weld X-ray inspections for a wide range of industries, including aviation, automotive, construction, infrastructure, and maritime. We inspect the quality of welds between metallic surfaces to help verify that they conform to applicable codes and perform safely and reliably.

X-Rays in Nondestructive Testing

X-ray testing is used to create a detailed image of an object’s internal structure. X-ray is a suitable method for weld inspections because technicians do not have to alter or destroy the object to thoroughly analyze it. X-ray is also a flexible method that can be used on almost any material.

X-rays require access to two opposite sides of the weld. On one side, the source transmits radiation into the object, while on the other side a detector film records the differences in absorption to develop a clear image. The film or digital image serves as a permanent record of the inspection.

Due to the safety concerns whenever radiation is involved, X-ray inspections should be performed by experienced radiography experts such as those at ATS. Additionally, our technicians accurately interpret resulting X-ray images and provide detailed weld inspection reporting for our clients.

Why Welds?

Welds are a vital part of component construction and must meet applicable codes and standards. In addition, welds can face prolonged exposure to intense forces even during regular operation. Over time, some welds can begin to show signs of deterioration or damage. It is important to inspect the base metal, weld material, and heat affected zones of welds – as even small flaws can progress into larger issues over time.

Our technicians look for discontinuities in welds such as the following:

  • Excessive Weld Reinforcement
  • Cracks
  • Cold Lap
  • Cluster Porosity
  • Internal Concavity
  • Incomplete Penetration
  • Incomplete Fusion
  • Inadequate Weld Reinforcement
  • Slag Inclusions
  • Porosity
  • Internal/External Undercut

ATS and Weld X-Ray Inspections

As a longstanding leader in the NDT industry, Applied Technical Services understands the importance of proper weld inspections. If you are seeking a weld X-ray inspection service, contact ATS. We offer accurate results, quick turnaround times, and detailed reporting. ATS – We take a closer look.

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