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The Process of Optical Emission Spectroscopy

Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) analysis can quickly determine the chemical composition of various metal alloys. Often referred to as a “spark test,” the method uses a sparking process where an electrical discharge is applied to the area being analyzed, causing a small amount of material to be vaporized. This sparking process causes a distinct chemical signature to be created allowing the skilled Chemistry staff at ATS to determine the elemental breakdown of the sample. Results are generally given in percentage of each constituent element.

Why Clients Request Optical Emission Spectroscopy

Optical Emission Spectroscopy is an ideal and fast choice for quantitatively determining the composition of solid metal components. ATS has the ability to analyze a variety of metal alloys such as low-carbon steels, alloy steels, corrosion-resistant steels, aluminum, nickel, and copper alloys.

Clients may send in sample materials for Optical Emission Spectroscopy testing to confirm the identity alloy type before production, or as part of a failure analysis. In either circumstance, ATS can get you the answer that you need.


For over 50 years we have provided world-class testing, inspection and engineering consulting services to clients from a variety of industries. We are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) accredited to perform OES analysis to the relevant industry standards and ensure accurate results within a quick turn-around window. Let our experienced and qualified staff here at ATS handle your metals analysis needs.

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