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Applied Technical Services offers PV 3341 standard testing to evaluate the content of VOC emissions from non-metallic automotive materials. Vehicle interiors are often built with thermoplastics and elastomers that can release chemical compounds called VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). These gaseous compounds negatively affect air quality and can be harmful to human health when present in high concentrations.

About the PV 3341 Test Method

Volkswagen’s PV 3341 test method involves the process of Headspace GC analysis using an FID detector to quantify the VOCs released from interior materials in micrograms of carbon per gram of sample. This value can be used to determine whether said materials pass OEM regulations.

During this method, a sample material is heated in a Headspace incubator at 120 degrees Celsius to vaporize the VOCs present in the material. Once the substances are released, they can be analyzed through the process of gas chromatography. Volatile compounds can be identified using headspace gas chromatography with mass spectroscopy separately if needed.

Our Testing Capabilities

ATS’ skilled automotive testing personnel perform all PV method 3341 procedures with specialized, up-to-date equipment in our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited (A2LA) chemistry lab to attain clear and precise results. Our lab personnel follow the relevant standards set for the wide range of VOC tests that we offer.

Applied Technical Services – A Reliable Testing Provider

For over 50 years, ATS has successfully uncovered facts in Materials Testing, Chemical Analysis, Metallurgy, Forensic Investigations, and Nondestructive Testing. ATS provides quality inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services for customers in a variety of fields, including:

ATS Labs and Lab Experts Deliver Quality Assurance

At ATS, we understand the importance of meeting measurable objectives through maintaining the recognized certifications and accreditations in the industries we serve. We have a Quality Assurance Department and employ a variety of skilled experts — including chemists, scientists, investigators, metallurgists, well-trained technicians, and Professional Engineers of various disciplines. ATS’ accreditations and certifications include ISO 17025, ISO 9001:2015-2015 , Nadcap, and recognition as an FAA Repair Station.

ATS is committed to the following policies:

  • Employ Qualified and Engaged Employees
  • Conduct Testing and Inspections Following Applicable Standards
  • Provide Clear and Accurate Data
  • Deliver All Professional Services in A Timely Manner
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