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Applied Technical Services provides VOC and FOG emissions testing to help clients meet safety standards and regulations. Many common materials—such as fabrics, vinyl, and coatings—emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are chemical compounds that will emit at room temperature or higher and degrade air quality. Many car interior and trim materials can emit volatile compounds, which can be a health hazard in an airtight passenger compartment. To mitigate the risk, the automotive industry regulates car interior emissions. Various VOC and FOG emissions testing methods and standards exist to test different materials and the compounds they emit.

ATS Emissions Testing

At ATS, we perform VOC and FOG emissions testing for different kinds of volatile substances. We check for medium to high volatility substances (up to C25) in the VOC class, low volatility substances (in range C14 to C32) called FOG compounds, and other compounds such as formaldehyde. We provide several methods for emissions testing.

Bag Testing

The bag test primarily addresses automobile parts and interior decorations. Some of the bag test standards we perform are:

  • TSM 0508G (Toyota)
  • MES-CF-0806B (Mazda)
  • 0094ZT7S-0000 (Honda)
  • ISO 12219-2
  • NES M0402 (Nissan)
  • MS300-55 (Hyundai/Kia)
  • BZ-108-01 (Ford)

Formaldehyde and Aldehydes

Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable chemical that may emit into the environment. Formaldehyde is used in glue and processed wood as an adhesive and fabric for permanent-press. Some of the formaldehyde and aldehyde standards we perform are:

  • VDA 275
  • FLTM BZ 156-01 (Ford)
  • VCS 1027, 2739 (Volvo)
  • GMW 15635 (General Motors)
  • PV 3925 (Volkswagen)
  • AA-0061 (BMW)


Fogging occurs when volatile and semi-volatile compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) condense as a film on vehicle window and windshield glass. This process reduces visibility out of the car. Some of the fogging standards we perform are:

  • DIN 75201
  • TSM 0503 G (Toyota)
  • VCS 1027, 2719 (Volvo)
  • AE J1756 (Ford)
  • PV 3015 (Volkswagen)

Dynamic Thermodesorption

Thermodesorption, or thermal desorption, involves heating solid samples so that they emit any present volatile compounds that our chemists can then detect and measure. Some of the thermodesorption standards we perform are:

  • VDA 278
  • DBL 5430 (Mercedes Benz)
  • GMW 15634 (General Motors)

Chamber testing

Chamber testing can accommodate large sample materials, including subassemblies. Some of the chamber test standards we perform are:

  • GMW 16853 (General Motors)
  • TS420-00-033 (Subaru/Fuji Heavy Industries)
  • GMW 17914 (General Motors)
  • GS 97014-2 (BMW)
  • VW 50180, PV 3942 (Volkswagen)
  • MS 300-57 (Hyundai/Kia)
  • GS 97014-3 (BMW)
  • ISO 12219-4

Static Headspace

Our headspace GC/MS analyzers characterize volatile materials in solid or liquid samples. Static headspace testing is especially useful for assessing coating systems that cure through chemical reactions. These include two-component, powder, and melamine-cure automotive coatings. Some of the static headspace standards we perform are:

  • VDA 277
  • BZ 157-01 (Ford)
  • VCS 1027, 2759 (Volvo)
  • PV 3341 (Volkswagen)
  • STD 1027,2749 (Volvo)


Micro-scale test chambers allow for fast testing, making microchamber emissions the ideal method for performing quick check-ins during the product development process. Some of the microchamber specifications to which we test include:

  • ISO 12219-3
  • CS-13389 (Chrysler)
  • ASTM D7706


VOCs are largely responsible for that “new car smell.” Odor testing assesses the level of odor vehicle interior material produces to ensure customer satisfaction. Some of the odor standards we perform are:

  • VDA 270
  • FLTM BO 131-03 (Ford)
  • VCS 1027, 2729 (Volvo)
  • GS 97014-4 (BMW)
  • PV 3900 (Volkswagen)

Trust ATS Testing Experts

Since 1967, ATS has provided high-quality testing and inspection services. Our qualified, experienced technicians use state-of-the-art equipment to meet all our clients’ testing requirements. We deliver clear, detailed results as quickly as possible, and our staff is responsive to clients’ questions regarding testing and reporting.

If your company needs VOC and FOG emissions testing, contact ATS today for a closer look.

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