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Applied Technical Services performs several disciplines of PPE testing to ensure these products are safe for end users and standard-compliant.

Who Needs PPE?

Certain jobsites and working conditions feature innate hazards. Construction sites, for instance, often see tools falling from heights that could severely injure anyone below. Hospitals, on the other hand, can see wide varieties of bacteria and viruses pass through their halls, each capable of spreading and causing illness.

While each of these settings answers their individual workplace hazards differently — industry-specific safety standards mandating the use of hard hats and surgical gloves, respectively — the similarity between these responses is that they both require specialized equipment for their employees.

What is PPE?

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as PPE, represents a category of products designed to keep people safe in the work environment. Whether hats, gloves, masks, goggles, or suits, PPE can only protect if it reliably performs as required in its intended usage conditions.

The broad range of hazards, and the PPE designed to guard against them, means that most testing providers cannot offer an extensive enough portfolio to answer all the needs associated with testing a product. ATS does not suffer from that limitation. Our vast array of testing capabilities and depth of expertise make ATS an obvious choice for manufacturers who need to validate their PPE for production.

Our PPE Testing Capabilities

We offer a wide range of testing capabilities to ensure clients’ PPE products meet requirements. The variety of ways we can help in this application includes:

Chemical Analysis

Electrical Testing

Environmental Testing

Mechanical Testing

  • FatigueASTM E399*, ASTM E466, ASTM E606*, ASTM E1290*, ASTM E1820*
  • Leak Testing — ASTM E493, ASTM E498, ASTM E499, ASTM E1603–11
  • Tensile Strength — ASTM D412*, ASTM D638*, ASTM D882, ASTM D3039/D3909M, ASTM D5766, ASTM D6742/D6742M, ASTM E8/E8M*, ASTM E21; ISO 37, 527-1*, ISO 6892*


*Indicates test standard for which we are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited

Besides the capabilities listed above, ATS can also perform full dimensional analysis, reverse engineering, and failure analysis services to help clients ensure their PPE meets design specifications and quality assurance requirements.

About ATS

Applied Technical Services delivers testing, inspection, and consulting engineering capabilities to clients operating around the world. Our PPE testing services primarily benefit manufacturers, helping them achieve compliance and quality management goals. Ensuring the quality of PPE through rigorous testing benefits a variety of industries, from healthcare to construction to defense.

Our Commitment to Quality

We perform all PPE testing services according to our ISO 9001:2015-registered quality management system. Our Marietta Lab has maintained certified status without interruption by periodically renewing registration by submitting to subsequent audits. Our testing personnel return clear, accurate, detailed reporting within a quick turnaround window.

Contact Us

If your company needs comprehensive PPE testing, contact ATS for a free quote today — We take a closer look!

We’re here to help.

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