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Applied Technical Services provides Boiler Tube Failure Analysis for an assorted collection of companies and industries worldwide. At ATS our program for determining the cause of failure incorporates laboratory testing and empirical data evaluation. Our comprehensive investigations result in conclusive reporting affording preventive assurances to our clients.

Our applicable capabilities include, but are not limited to root cause analysis, metallurgical analysis, visual inspection, deposit weight density determination, chemical composition, wall loss determination, scale thickness measuring, pit depth measuring, and mechanical failure analysis. Our evaluation process allows us to determine failures by corrosion, stress rupture, erosion, fatigue and/or due to inadequate boiler water quality. As a preventative measure, conditions discovered during periodic inspections  may be analyzed and identified to avoid potential failures, which would lead to costly repairs and lost production.

ATS’ focus on boiler tube failure analysis begins with examining the conditions that resulted in the failed component and collecting the pertinent data for reliable information. As we collect, analyze, interpret and study our findings, ATS’ in-depth failure analysis experience plays a major contributing role in delivering accurate conclusions. Our thorough testing, investigation and inspection services in conjunction with our quality assurance program, proven record, and cost effectiveness have established ATS as a leader in the failure analysis industry for our clients

Common Causes of Boiler Tube Failures

  • Caustic Corrosion
  • Stress Ruptures
  • Erosion
  • Corrosion Fatigue
  • Short-term Overheating
  • Excessive Deposit Build-up
  • Creep
  • Long-term Overheating
  • Stress-Corrosion Cracking
  • Cavitation

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