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Applied Techincal Services Polymer lab provides a wide variety of advanced Plastic Failure Analysis.

ATS’ Plastic Failure Analysis Services

Our expert analysts and engineers are highly trained and experienced in determining the causes of failures that are the result of incorrect material selection, poor product design, improper manufacturing processes, and unfavorable service conditions.

Many manufacturers rely on ATS to analyze their products for durability when exposed to mechanical, thermal, or environmental factors. ATS’ mechanical testing labs can measure the amount of external force plastics can withstand before cracking or breaking. Our environmental tests reveal products that become warped or brittle due to extreme temperatures. UV radiation, salt fog, and temperature cycling tests help predict how your products will age when exposed to sunlight, extreme temperatures, and elapsed time. Our lab experts perform testing per ASTM and ISO standards. They can customize the final report to conform to an organization’s oversight requirements.

ATS has earned an excellent reputation for litigation support and expert testimony when product and plastic failures result in personal injury or loss of assets. Our Professional Engineers, Ph.D.’s, and Investigators will help both you and the jury understand the scientific aspects of the case.

Plastic Failure Analysis Testing

Customer Service Representative, Ready to Help Direct You to the People Who can Help

We’re here to help.

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