Page for Posts: 47549
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The post type is: testing-and-analysis
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Applied Technical Services’ experienced professional Failure Analysts are commonly called upon to test and inspect screws, bolts, and fasteners. 

The best way to eliminate or minimize the possibility of service related failures is to perform quality assurance tests on batches of screws before they are placed in service to ensure products meet industry standards.

Failure Analysis

In addition to our pre-service product evaluations, we also specialize in performing screw failure analyses on products that have failed during installation or while in service. These analyses frequently reveal failures due to material or manufacturing defects, poor coating or improper material selection for the intended service environment.

Causes of Failure

  • Poor Product Design
  • Inadequate Materials or Coatings
  • Service Environment
  • Improper Material Selection
  • Manufacturing Defects
  • Improper Heat Treatment

Screw Failure and Forensic Services

When consumers experience personal injury or loss of assets due to screw failures, attorneys may need a detailed failure analysis for litigation purposes. Our forensic analysis team has earned the highest reputation for quality initial inspection services, litigation support and expert witness testimonies.

All failure analysis lab testing is performed per industry standards; including but not limited to ASTM E2332, Standard Practice for Investigation and Analysis of Physical Component Failures, and applicable product specifications.

Testing Standards

  • ASTM
  • ASME
  • ISO
  • SAE

Our Laboratory Capabilities

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