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ATS is a reliable source for your fastener failure analysis needs. Our experts and engineers have the experience and expertise to find the root cause of your failed fasteners. 

Inspection results commonly reveal deficiencies due to inadequate product design, poor production processes, incorrect metallurgical properties, improper installation, fatigue loading, and other than anticipated service environment.

Most successful failure analysis projects involve collecting detailed background information and conducting the appropriate tests to determine the root cause. Optical and Scanning Electron microscopy, microstructural examinations, chemical analysis of base materials and corrosion deposits via EDS and XRD techniques when applicable, nondestructive inspections (radiography, magnetic particle or ultrasonics), mechanical tests such as tensile, hardness, and charpy impact can all provide crucial data in uncovering the root cause(s).

In addition to failure analysis, we also offer first article inspections and quality assurance evaluations. Our technically advanced labs provide a large variety of tests and inspections to ensure your products conform to industry standards and regulations. We routinely test to ASTM, SAE, ASME, NACE and ISO Standards.

Common Fastener Failures

  • Overload Fracture
  • Torsional Shear Failure
  • Fatigue Failure
  • Corrosion Failures
  • Manufacturing Defects
  • Plating Defects
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