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Applied Technical Services’ plastic material testing lab offers PVC testing services. Our polymer testing experts utilize our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited facilities to fulfill clients’ testing needs.

What is PVC Plastic?

PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is a commonly used thermoplastic polymer composed of carbon atoms and chlorine. Thermoplastics are extremely malleable when heated, and their flexibility makes them ideal for remodeling or reshaping.

The Importance of PVC Testing

PVC testing ensures that PVC materials are suitable for their intended use. Failure to properly test PVC materials may lead to hazardous conditions for customers and staff, premature failure, and costly repairs. Plastics have a wide range of uses, so it’s essential to understand their behavior under specific conditions. Manufacturers rely on PVC testing for many reasons, including the following:

  • Safety Regulations
  • Quality Assurance
  • Regulation Compliance
  • Durability Testing
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Failure Analysis

Applied Technical Services tests PVC materials in accordance with the following standards:

  • ASTM D1785
  • ASTM D3039
  • ASTM D882
  • ASTM D638

PVC Test Methods

Chemical Testing

Outside chemicals can compromise the integrity of PVC, causing premature failure, so our experts conduct chemical tests to determine the potential causes. 

Hardness Testing

Our experts test the durability of plastics by determining their hardness or resistance to permanent indentation. 

Plastic Pipe Testing

ATS experts analyze PVC pipes to ensure that the pipes are functional and durable.

Phthalates Analysis 

Phthalates are often used as solvents or to soften plastics, but excess traces of phthalates can be harmful to humans. Our experts test polymers for dangerous levels of phthalates to ensure that PVC materials are safe for public use. 

Physical Testing

We conduct physical tests to determine if a PVC product performs as intended. Environmental factors may physically damage PVC, negatively affecting the material’s performance. For example, environmental factors like temperature and water erosion degrade PVC over time

Thermal Analysis 

Our technicians evaluate crystallinity in PVC using thermal analysis to determine if temperature changes have damaged the material.

Tensile Testing 

ATS technicians conduct tensile tests on PVC materials to measure the force required to break the plastic.

The Benefits of PVC

PVC is a versatile material that excels in varying environments. The multipurpose material is a manufacturing favorite and has several benefits, including:

  • Strong and lightweight
  • Easy to install
  • Durable
  • Easily accessible
  • Cost-effective
  • Fire resistance
  • Good insulator
  • Recyclable

Several industries use PVC, including:

  • Construction
  • Electronics
  • Packaging
  • Protective clothing
  • Healthcare
  • Household products

Applied Technical Services Testing Services

ATS has provided inspection and testing services since 1967. Our testing services are quick but don’t compromise quality, and our staff has decades of collective experience in polymer testing. Call +1 (888) 287-5227 for a free quote for our testing services.

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