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Applied Technical Services uses thermomechanical analysis to characterize the physical properties of polymeric materials. The information gained from TMA is helpful for application development, failure analysis, and material characterization and development.

What is TMA?

Thermomechanical analysis, or TMA, determines the thermal properties of polymers. TMA identifies a material’s physical properties when force is applied at specific temperatures and is commonly used to determine a material’s softening temperature and expansion behavior. There are several advantages of TMA, including:

  • Low Force Range
  • Multi-Layer Film Analysis
  • High Degree of Sensitivity
  • Programmable Temperature

Applied Technical Services’ TMA Analysis Services

Our technicians measure the thermal behavioral changes in various materials, including:

  • Adhesives
  • Ceramics
  • Coatings
  • Composites
  • Fibers
  • Films
  • Thermoplastics
  • Thermosets

TMA provides information on the following properties.

  • Composite Delamination Temperatures
  • Coefficients of Thermal Expansion
  • Changes in Crystalline Phases
  • Changes in Density
  • Glass Transition and Softening Temperatures
  • Material Anisotropy
  • Shrinkage

ATS’ Polymer Analysis Lab

Applied Technical Services’ ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited polymer analysis lab provides failure analysis, research and development, and various other services that evaluate polymeric materials’ chemical, mechanical, and thermal properties. Our services ensure that polymers meet manufacturers’ expectations and comply with industry standards and regulations. We offer numerous polymer analysis services, including:

  • Additives Analysis
  • Charpy Testing
  • Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
  • Failure Analysis
  • Flammability
  • Flexural Strength Testing
  • Gloss and Color Testing
  • Medical Product Testing
  • Phthalates Analysis
  • Quality Control and Assurance
  • Stress Testing
  • Thermal Stability and Heat Aging

About Applied Technical Services

Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services provides quality consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services to companies across the globe. We are an ISO 9001:2015-registered quality management system dedicated to our operation’s continuous expansion and improvement. Our technicians have decades of experience in various disciplines and work closely with clients to ensure our services meet their demands and objectives. We provide clear and concise data reports that detail our services and the yielded results. Please call + 1 (888) 287-5227 to request a free quote or additional details regarding our thermomechanical analysis services.

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