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Applied Technical Services offers destructive weld testing. Destructive weld testing evaluates the strength and characteristics of a completed weld by completing a physical destruction. Destructive weld testing is integral to ensure the integrity and quality of welds used to build structures like bridges and buildings.

Common Destructive Weld Testing Methods:

Macro Etch Testing: In this method, our scientists remove small samples from the weld joint. Once removed, they apply an acid etch to reveal a clear view of the weld’s internal structure.

Fillet Weld Break Test: Technicians use this method to see the entire length of the weld and any discontinuities therein. This test can reveal internal porosity, lack of fusion/penetration, and slag inclusions.

Transverse Tension Test: Many welds have design requirements, and the tensile properties of the base and the weld must conform to these requirements. This test is completed by pulling samples to failure and recording ultimate load for determining tensile strength by dividing the ultimate load required the cross-sectional area.

Guided Bend Test: This test method involves bending samples around a bend radius determined by material properties or groupings.

Weld Testing at Applied Technical Services

ATS has the capabilities to provide weld testing by using a wide variety of mechanical and metallurgical techniques and standards. 

Our Weld Experts Include:

  • API Inspectors
  • ASNT-TC-1A Certified NDT Technicians
  • Certified weld Inspectors
  • Certified Welders
  • Chemist
  • Professional Engineers

Our team at Applied Technical Services can perform nondestructive and destructive testing on our clients’ welds. We specialize in testing to ASME, API, AWS, MIL-STD, NAVSEA, and PED/EN Standards.

Common Weld Assessment Methods:

  • ASTM A262, A923, G48
  • Bend Testing
  • Charpy
  • Corrosion Testing
  • Drop Weight
  • Ferrite Testing
  • Hardness Testing
  • Impact testing
  • Load Testing
  • Macro Examination
  • Micro Examination
  • Nick Breaks
  • PMI, Chemical Analysis
  • Tensile Testing
  • Weld Failure Analysis

About Applied Technical Services

Since 1967, Applied Technical Services has been providing consulting engineering, testing, and inspection services to many clients nationally and internationally. We are known for our proficiency in uncovering facts in metallurgy, chemical analysis, nondestructive testing, materials testing, calibrations, and fires and explosions. ATS takes a closer look to help our clients find the technical answers they need.

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