Mechanical Weld Testing Services
We specialize in testing to ASME, AWS, API, NAVSEA, MIL STD and PED/EN Standards. Applied Technical Services, LLC welding engineers ensure industry standards are maintained by assisting in preparing in welding procedure specifications and weld procedure and performance qualifications. We specialize in testing to ASME, AWS, API, NAVSEA, MIL-STD, and PED/EN Standards.
ATS has Comprehensive Laboratory Capabilities in Weld Testing
Bend Testing
- ASME Section 9
- BS EN 910
- ISO 9606 and 15614 Part 1
- Procedure Qualification Requirements
- Test To AWS Welding Codes
- Welder Qualification
Charpy Impact Testing
- ASTM A370 & E23
- Determination of DBTT
- Test Base & Weld Metals
- Test Heat-Affect-Zone
- Test Weld For Ductility
- Tests Performed at Temperatures As Low As -320 °F
Drop Weight Testing
- Nil Ductility Temperature Determination
- ASTM E208
Macro/Micro Testing
- Detect Inclusions (Slag, Tungsten)
- Detect Lack of Fusion
- Determine HAZ Hardness
- Identify Welding Cracks or Voids
- Verify Preheat and Post Weld Heat Treat Effectiveness
Tensile Testing
- Mechanical Testing — Maximum Load Capacity is 400,000 lbs
- Multiple Uniaxial Machines
- Elevated Temperature Testing up to 1800 °F
Weld Certification and Procedure Qualification
- Pre-employment Screening
- Ensure Welder Can Meet the Requirements of a Specific Code or a Standard
- Document That Weld Procedure is Qualified Under Applicable Code