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Applied Technical Services offers cut and etch weld testing services as one of many methods we use to assess weld quality. Our certified weld inspectors (CWIs), SNT-TC-1A certified technicians, professional engineers, metallurgists, and chemists provide high-quality weld inspection and testing services to clients from numerous industries. We offer tests according to ASME, AWS, MIL-STD, API, and NAVSEA standards, depending on the client’s specific needs.

The Cut and Etch Test

The cut and etch test is a mechanical procedure for evaluating weld quality. Testing experts cut a sample from the weld coupon transversely to the weld axis. Experts then grind and polish the sample’s cut face before etching the surface with a chemical reagent. Etching the metal defines the boundaries between the base metal, weld metal, and HAZ (heat-affected zone). This process also reveals the sample’s microstructure and flow lines.

The cut and etch test allows weld inspectors to thoroughly evaluate a weld for penetration fusion, defects, and other material characteristics. The data we collect assists clients with several applications, including weld procedure qualification, routine quality checks, failure analyses, welder qualification testing, and others.

Other Weld Testing Services

ATS offers numerous different weld tests alongside cut and etch testing. We provide several mechanical testing options, such as:

We also have multiple nondestructive, chemical, and metallurgical weld tests available, including:

ATS can evaluate any pipe or plate configuration using state-of-the-art technology to deliver comprehensive results. We also examine pressure vessels, configured components, valves, and large structures such as bridges.

ATS: Excellence in Customer Service

Applied Technical Services has performed industrial testing and inspection services for more than 50 years. We always prioritize our clients, determining the most effective and cost-efficient methods to fulfill their needs. Our experts deliver clear, accurate data as fast as possible, and they remain available to clients for any additional inquiries.

If you need cut and etch weld testing services, contact ATS today.

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