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Choose the Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) for qualified temperature meter calibration services from industry experts. We are ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited to provide calibrations both in the field and in our environmentally controlled laboratory. Our experts can travel to your location to calibrate your meter in person at your convenience.

Alternatively, we can take a shipment to our state-of-the-art lab and test the device with sophisticated systems. Our calibration lab provides a temperature-controlled environment for tests delivered with powerful technology.

Industrial Temperature Meters

Temperature meters are a staple in monitoring and control procedures in many industries, including:

  • Healthcare
  • Nuclear
  • Food and beverage
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and gas

Industrial temperature meters need regular calibration to maintain the desired performance qualities. A calibration expert can determine if drift has occurred due to aging, damage, environmental changes, vibration and shock during transport, installation, and other conditions. Meters may require a calibration expert to verify performance and accuracy every quarter, year, or two years, depending on the industry and meter application.

Incorrect and imprecise data can affect processes across an entire firm. Businesses may base decisions on flawed data, risking:

  • Overheating or underheating
  • Loss of quality and resources
  • Defective products
  • Safety hazards
  • Downtime and disruption

Temperature Meter Calibration Standards

With a Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT) as a primary standard, we compare readings at multiple points on the devices’ overlapping ranges. For accuracy and precision, we calibrate our PRTs against NIST primary cells. We have an ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited lab with calibration equipment capable of temperatures between -80˚ C and 95˚ C.

Our laboratory calibration equipment can reach uncertainties as low as 0.023 °C. ATS experts use equipment capable of higher resolution than our clients’ meters to ensure we provide calibrations close to the NIST measurement. If we determine a temperature meter lies outside of the acceptable tolerances, we adjust the instrument to client specifications or return it to manufacturer tolerances.

We calibrate a wide range of temperature meters, including:

Online Reporting

After working with a device, the ATS FoC calibration technician will provide a report of the device’s status so our clients can keep up with their device’s calibration schedule. Our reports also include the temperature meter’s as-found and as-left conditions as well as any damage found under our care.

Our experts also provide clients with a certificate of the NIST-traceable or ISO 17025 calibration and a description of the standards used to calibrate the temperature meter. We make all significant reports available online and in our proprietary smartphone app so clients can access their data at any time.

A Qualified Calibration Lab

The ATS FoC has earned a reputation for high-quality service with a quick turnaround rate. Providing NIST-traceable calibrations to national and international industries, we are ISO 17025 accredited in calibration and testing. All our calibrations comply with ANSI/NSCL Z540-1-1994 and ANSI/NSCL Z540.3:2006 (sub-clause 5.3). Our nuclear applications also adhere to 10 CFR 50 – Appendix B and 10 CFR Part 21 requirements.

The ATS FoC offers calibration services for other industrial metrological instruments, such as:

Contact Us for a Quote

Our average turnaround rate is 7-10 business days. For 1 to 2-day expedited services, speak with one of our representatives about rush service. Call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit the form on this page to request temperature meter calibrations from ATS.

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