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Graftel, a member of the Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC), conducts gas flow meter calibrations. Over time and after repeated use, flow meters deviate from their calibrations which causes them to become less reliable. Fortunately, Graftel’s experts help our clients calibrate their flow meters, ensuring their accuracy and effectiveness.

What is a Gas Flow Meter, and How is It Used?

A gas flow meter is an instrument that provides precise measurements of a gas’s flow rate as it passes through a tube or pipe. Gas flow meters ensure that manufacturers and operators comply with regulations, ensuring the flow measurement is accurate and can support a safe and efficient operation.

Our Gas Flow Meter Calibration Capabilities

We maintain five NIST traceable gas flow calibration systems, enabling us to provide a wide range of calibrations. We can measure flow rates from 1 standard cubic centimeter per minute (SCCM) to 1,500 standard liters per minute (SLM). The pressure range is from 0 to 1000 pounds per square inch gauge (PSIG). Our calibration lab adheres to the following standards and regulations:

  • ISO 17025:2017
  • ANSI/NSCL Z540-1-1994 (R2002)
  • ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 subclause 5.3 requirements
  • MIL-STD-45662A

To ensure the satisfaction of our clients, we conduct thorough inspections and provide clients with test data to ensure they’re well-informed on the state of their flow meters.

The Importance of Gas Flow Meter Calibrations

Even the most durable flow meters fall out of calibration, so it’s essential to perform regular calibrations on flow meters to verify their accuracy. Gases can pose health and safety risks, and calibrated flow meters help manufacturers and operators maintain gas flow, allowing users to recognize abnormalities more easily.

About the ATS FoC and Graftel

The Applied Technical Services FoC is a well-respected enterprise known for its commitment to quality and customer care. As a member of the ATS FoC, Graftel provides high-quality services that help our clients achieve their objectives. Graftel’s team has decades of experience in flow meter calibration and nuclear industry services. Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 for more information regarding our calibration labs and field-testing capabilities

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