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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies employs an accident expert witness to determine key factors at the scene of an accident.

Accident Expert Witness

An accident expert witness utilizes various methods to conduct a scientific analysis of the accident. They possess in-depth experience in the forensic field, making their testimony crucial in swaying the opinion of a jury.

An accident expert witness must have qualifications in a specific field to be considered for the role, and a court will determine whether they possess the necessary expertise and legitimacy to render professional opinions.

Accident Reconstruction Services at ATS

The ATS Family of Companies employs a team of biochemical engineers to assist our ACTAR-certified accident expert witnesses. We work together to calculate the amount and direction of a force when working on a particular accident. With this information, we can identify if the injuries at the scene are consistent with the conclusive findings of a case.

Our professional experience qualifies us as an expert in various cases, particularly passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, vehicle rollovers, minor impact accidents, multi-vehicle accidents, and train and vehicle collisions.

We Complete Cases Involving:

  • Passenger Vehicles
  • Commercial Vehicles
  • Motorcycles
  • Vehicle Rollovers
  • Minor Impact Accidents
  • Multi-Vehicle Accidents
  • Train & Vehicle Collisions

Crash Data Retrieval

Our team of accident expert witnesses can download crash data (CDR) from electronic control modules (ECM) of both commercial and passenger vehicles. Depending on factors such as the make and model of a vehicle, the data can provide clients with information such as acceleration, braking, speed, and other critical components in a case. This information is essential in assisting our accident expert witnesses.

We can retrieve data, such as powertrain control modules (PCM), rollover sensors (ROS), and airbag control data (ACM), from vehicles involved in an accident.

Accident Scene Reconstruction with 3D Laser Scanner

We operate 3D laser technology from our FARO Scanner to create a 3D replica of an accident, including distances, measurements, undercarriage, vehicular position, and damages such as scene roadway and surface. With measurements, our expert witnesses can reconstruct a model of the scene with the roadway surface in question to demonstrate the water depth and its role. Furthermore, we can create a 3D animation to show how a collision occurred, preserving the scene of an accident.

Failure in Tires

We supply clients with tire experts who offer information that will help them make decisions regarding the failure of tires in a case or claim.

Quality Assurance

The ATS Family of Companies provides clients with an accident expert witness to produce quality unbiased reports, including photographs, diagrams, conclusive findings, and repair recommendations.

Our accident expert witnesses are both ACTAR-certified and court-qualified. All opinions rendered from the facts of each case and all work procured from a reconstruction follow the rigorous rules and regulations of the authoritative engineering boards set in each state.

Contact Us

Contact the ATS accident expert witness team today to request a free quote or learn more about our services.

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