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Applied Technical Services provides several types of forensic services performed in the field, in our state-of-the-art forensics laboratory, and in the courtroom. These services include elevator expert witness testimony, forensic locksmithing, traffic and industrial accident reconstruction, and fire scene investigations.

Elevator Investigations and Litigation Support

ATSโ€™ forensics experts specialize in a variety of types of forensic engineering services, such as escalator and elevator expert witness testimony and investigations. These experts consult, testify in court proceedings, and provide general litigation support for insurance companies and attorneys in legal cases involving elevator safety, accidents, and failure. Applied Technical Servicesโ€™ forensic department has been assisting legal teams since 1974, applying nearly five decades of experience to every investigation and consultation.

Additional Forensic Services at ATS

Our highly experienced forensics department performs a wide range of forensic investigations and provides expert legal testimony in court proceedings for insurance companies and law firms. Our forensic laboratory is in Marietta, Georgia location and features a secure, climate-controlled evidence storage facility capable of housing vehicles ranging in size from motorcycles to personal aircraft. With 48 years of experience as a forensic services provider and 55 years of industrial testing and analysis experience, ATS is trusted by some of the countryโ€™s most prestigious companies. Some of our more popular forensic services include:

ATS Testing and Analysis

In addition to forensic investigations, Applied Technical Services specializes in calibrations, inspections, testing and analysis, rope access training, engineering, IT consulting, nondestructive testing training and certification, and reliability testing training and certification. We have experience serving businesses and organizations working in the following industries:

  • Oil and Gas
  • Renewable Energy
  • Nuclear
  • Pulp and Paper
  • Power Generation
  • Insurance and Legal
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Consumer Products
  • Military and Defense
  • Aerospace and Aviation
  • Communications
  • Building and Construction
  • Chemical Analysis
  • Automotive

Applied Technical Services: We Take a Closer Look

Applied Technical Services has spent the last five decades expanding our testing and analysis service offerings and capabilities. We always prioritize quality and client satisfaction, with all ATS companies, departments, and locations adhering to our internationally recognized quality assurance program to ensure the highest levels of accuracy, consistency, and reliability. ATS maintains several certifications and accreditations, such as ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17025, to guarantee precise reporting that adheres to all relevant industry standards. We understand the importance of timeliness and offer rush service options to minimize downtime and keep your business operations running smoothly. Contact ATS, the premier Elevator Expert Witness service provider, by clicking here or calling 1 (888) 287-5227 today and request a free quote.

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