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Applied Technical Services can provide forklift expert witness testimony for any incidents involving forklifts. Forklift misuse accounts for nearly 100,000 workplace injuries every year. ATS’ world-class forensic investigation team understands the ins and outs of forklift operation and mechanics, making them exceptionally qualified to provide expert testimony regarding an accident involving this type of machinery.

Forklift OSHA Standards

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration classifies forklifts as powered industrial trucks. OHSA sets strict standards for the operation and maintenance of forklifts. The forklift experts at ATS are OSHA trained and certified operate these vehicles safely. They have extensive experience working alongside various forklift manufacturers such as Komatsu, Toyota, KION, Mitsubishi, and Jungheinrich, to name a few.

Forklift Forensic Services

The forensic team at Applied Technical Services has over 50 years of experience in conducting forensic investigations. This group consists of mechanical, forensic, and electrical experts who utilize our state-of-the-art laboratories to conduct their forensic assessments. Our forensics team can perform the following procedures to achieve a fuller understanding of an incident:

Quality Assurance

Applied Technical Services holds itself to the highest standard of customer service and satisfaction. Our forensics lab keeps up to date with industry and manufacturer standards to ensure superb service. The ATS Forensics lab holds the following certifications and adheres to the following standards:

  • NAFI
  • NFPA
  • ASTM E860
  • ASTM E1492
  • IAAI
  • ISO 17025
  • ISO 9001:2015

Contact Applied Technical Services for a free quote regarding your forklift expert witness needs.

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