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Applied Technical Services is a forensic engineering expert able to investigate and serve as an expert witness for forensic failure investigations.

What is Forensic Engineering?

Forensic engineering uses engineering applications to determine the cause of material, structural, or equipment failure. The information acquired from forensic investigations can benefit construction companies, manufacturers, insurance agencies, and law firms. Forensic engineers are essential in events where people or property are injured or damaged, as they investigate potential causes and support their clients in litigation.

Why are Forensic Engineering Experts Important?

Our forensic engineering experts evaluate matters about civil, construction, and structural issues and serve as expert witnesses in court. Expert witnesses use their experience, knowledge, training, and expertise in a particular subject or field to aid in litigation. Forensic engineering experts analyze the details of an incident to reverse engineer the events to determine the responsible party. Forensic engineering experts provide support in cases involving:

  • Breaches of Contract
  • Construction Defects
  • Failure to Comply with Codes & Regulations
  • Fire Damage
  • Natural Disaster Damage
  • Structural Collapse

Our forensic engineering experts conduct several services, including:

More About Our Expert Witnesses Services

Applied Technical Services’ forensic team specializes in investigating the causes of equipment, mechanical, and structural failure. We employ licensed professional engineers with decades of shared experience in various disciplines, allowing us to take a thorough and well-rounded approach to our investigations. Our forensic services support multiple industries, including:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Construction
  • Consumer Products
  • Emergency Services
  • Government
  • Manufacturing
  • Marine
  • Medical
  • Insurance & Legal

About Applied Technical Services

ATS is consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services company that services businesses worldwide. Our services have continually expanded and improved throughout our 55-year history as we continue to service a wide range of industries. We house several ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited labs that offer services in compliance with common industry standards while also meeting the needs and specifications of our clients. We work with clients to develop competitively priced strategies and procedures that our staff works diligently to deliver quickly without compromising quality. Please submit a web request form to speak with one of our forensic engineering experts about your forensic testing needs.

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