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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies offers strain gauge testing services for companies in various industries.

What is a Strain Gauge?

Strain gauges are sensors that measure the strain that an object can endure. They convert various factors such as force, weight, tension, and pressure into electrical resistance that can then be measured.

What is Strain Gauge Testing?

Professionals in various industries, including manufacturing and engineering use strain gauge testing to determine an object’s deformation under specific loads. Strain gauge testing helps experts understand a wide range of materials, including the following:

  • Heavy-duty equipment and machinery
  • Vehicles and vehicle components
  • Aircraft and aircraft components
  • Fasteners

About Our Strain Gauge Testing Services

Our strain gauge testing experts conduct tests on metal materials, structures, and pipes. During the test process, we attach a strain gauge to a specimen before subjecting the material to a shear, torsional, axial, or bending force. Once the testing process is complete, we analyze the data to determine the specimen’s mechanical properties, such as:

  • Strength
  • Stress Distribution
  • Durability

The Importance of Strain Gauge Testing

Strain gauge testing is an effective way for engineers to evaluate the mechanical abilities of objects and structures. The information gathered during tests is essential to engineers and personnel seeking to improve or maintain quality control. Strain gauge tests are an important step in the process of development and design.

Failure to conduct strain gauge tests can result in various types of issues and concerns, including:

  • Premature failure
  • Inefficient allocation of production resources
  • Unsafe products and materials
  • Noncompliance with mandated standards
  • Financial penalties and legal consequences

About the ATS Family of Companies

The ATS Family of Companies is a nationwide network of companies and professionals specializing in testing, inspection, and analysis. Our collection of ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited labs service clients in various industries, ensuring their operations and products perform as expected while maintaining compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.

Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 or complete an online request form for additional information regarding our capabilities and services.

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