Page for Posts: 47549
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For over 50 years, ATS has been providing many industries with testing and inspection services including charpy impact testing. Charpy Impact Testing, also known as the Charpy V-notch testing, helps determine a material’s toughness. In our comprehensive materials testing labs our experts perform this test in accordance with multiple standards including but not limited to the ASTM, ISO and EN. Following the applicable standard to spec will determine your metal’s ductility or brittleness, which is an indicator of how much energy your specimen will absorb during fracture. Measuring the energy or observing the surface of the fracture, will reveal your material’s brittleness or ductility.

What Does the Fracture Surface Reveal?

  • Brittleness
  • Bright and Crystalline Surface; Absorbs Less Energy
  • Ductility
  • Dull and Fibrous; Absorbs More Energy
  • ASTM E23
  • ASTM A370
  • ISO 148-1
  • EN 10045-1

Labs and Certification

ATS’ ISO/IEC 17025 accredited labs are industry leaders in performing a wide variety of services. Our engineers and lab specialists provide our customers with the highest quality of service. Each employee is aware, committed to and actively involved in our quality improvement processes. We focus on accurate testing, detailed reporting, and timely turnarounds. We are familiar with the most popular and also less common standards and specifications. Many of our engineers are committee members who provide input when regulations and standards are updated or newly developed. We pride ourselves on being industry contributors and trail blazers through our knowledge, continual learning, improved technology, and superior services.

Lab Accreditations:

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