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Applied Technical Services’ mechanical testing conducts weld notch toughness testing to measure the impact toughness of welds. Weld toughness is an important attribute that helps prevent premature fractures and failures in welded materials.  

What is a Charpy V-Notch Test?

The Charpy V-notch test, also known as the Charpy impact test, is a destructive test method where a pendulum strikes a notched specimen. The test measures the energy absorbed by the sample during fracture, determining the material’s toughness at various temperatures. Charpy V-notch tests have several advantages, including:

  • Assesses Specimen’s Quality
  • Cost Efficient
  • Quick Procedure
  • Quantitative Results
  • Qualitative Results
  • Simple Preparation

ATS technicians conduct Charpy V-notch tests to help manufacturers evaluate a material’s ability to perform as expected in stressful conditions. Our tests provide information on the following factors.

  • Brittleness
  • Ductility
  • Strain Rate
  • Toughness at Various Temperatures
  • Yield Strength

Failure to evaluate weld toughness could lead to safety hazards for staff and consumers, costly repairs, premature failure, and poor-quality products. Manufacturers rely on trustworthy weld testing labs to conduct mechanical tests that accurately emulate the service conditions of materials.

Applied Technical Services’ Mechanical Testing Lab

Our mechanical testing services evaluate how materials react to stressful conditions, which helps manufacturers with material selection, quality control, and safety regulation compliance. We offer numerous mechanical testing services, including:

Our mechanical testing services benefit multiple industries, including:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Construction
  • Consumer Products
  • Defense
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and Gas
  • Power Generation

About Applied Technical Services

Applied Technical Services provides quality inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services to various industries worldwide. Our mechanical, chemical, and nondestructive testing facilities are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited and offer services that comply with our client’s unique specifications and common industry standards. We employ professionals with diverse experience and backgrounds to ensure that our services are thorough and well-rounded. Our staff delivers satisfactory service quickly, without compromising quality, accuracy, and professionalism. We communicate with clients throughout the service process to ensure our practices align with their requests.

Please submit a web request form or call +1 (888) 287-5227 to receive a free quote for our weld notch toughness testing. 

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