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The Applied Technical Services plastic testing lab identifies a multitude of plastic characteristics — physical, chemical, and thermal — that vary according to their composition. These specific traits make one plastic a more attractive design material than another, depending on how the manufacturer intends the product to be used. Manufacturers need to positively verify those performance characteristics for any variety of reasons, be it quality control or failure analysis, to establish whether that plastic component will perform its function satisfactorily. When they need to confirm or discover those qualities, manufacturers send their samples to a plastic testing lab like Applied Technical Services to get the answers they need.

ATS is a respected polymer testing provider. Chemists, engineers, and technicians in our plastic testing lab regularly use a variety of analytical methods to verify and measure the unique performance characteristics of clients’ sample materials. ATS employs an assortment of tests to determine those important properties in plastics. The following table reflects the methods we perform to their relevant, internationally recognized standards:

ATS’ Commitment to Quality

For over 50 years, ATS has provided peerless testing, inspection, and engineering consulting services. We serve clients from a wide range of industries who come to us with a variety of needs.

Our polymer testing laboratories are staffed with talented chemists, engineers, and technicians, able to quickly return accurate results because of their mastery of our state-of-the-art equipment. ATS is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) accredited to conduct methods of plastics testing and  analysis to their internationally recognized standards, as noted above. We use these methods to help clients answer the important performance questions about their sample materials – if you have questions about your plastics, we can help you too.

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